
Soul Writing Workshop

(with Carol’s Coffee and Muffins on the Side)

When: Tuesdays at 1:30–3:30; Nov. 5, 12, 19, and Dec. 3, 10
Where: Carol’s Coffee & Art Bar, 177 Front Street, Owego, NY
Cost: $150 (includes a complimentary muffin and coffee at each of the 5 sessions)

Writing can be a creative practice that opens the doorway to your Soul. 

Your body cannot live without breathing—and your Soul cannot live without expressing itself. Creativity, in whatever form it takes, is the Soul’s exhalation, the natural outcome of inspiration (inhalation). And just as meditation is an ancient practice that can deepen your relationship with your body, allowing your breath to become a bridge to the Sacred, so writing is an ancient practice that can create a bridge to the Divine, while deepening your connection with your own Soul.

Meditation practice teaches us to be more aware of our entire body, even while it opens and relaxes our mind—and an ongoing writing practice asks us to step out of our comfort zones and routines, and open ourselves to the Mystery that is all around us.

 In this class, we won’t be focusing on the mechanics of writing but on the act of creation itself. Each of the 5 weeks will address a different aspect of the creative practice of writing. 

  • We’ll learn new ways to hear the call to write.

  • We’ll recognize and face the obstacles that prevent us from writing.

  • We’ll learn about the power of our own creativity to shape the world.

  • We’ll shape new habits that will allow more room for our writing practice.

  • And finally, we’ll celebrate and affirm the ongoing cycle of Creation that flows through our writing practice.

To register or to find out more, write to: Anamchara.Soul.Writing@gmail.com