Soul Writing with Brigid

When: Saturday, Dec. 7; 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Where: The Elms Manse, 8832 East Main Street, Honeoye, NY
Cost: $125 (includes lunch and a snack)


 Spend a day with Brigid . . .
and rekindle your creativity. 

 As human beings, creativity is our birthright—and yet we all have times when we feel dulled, stifled, or diminished by the darkness of the world. We feel unproductive, unable to connect to a source of inspiration that would bring fire and fruitfulness to our barren lives.

Brigid, known as both saint and goddess, offers us that connection. In her triple forms of seer, midwife, and smith, she brings the blessings of creative inspiration, birth, and craft.

 In this day-long workshop, as we learn about Brigid as saint and goddess, we will focus on writing as a creative practice. Using Brigid as our template, we will:

  • discover new doorways to inspiration;

  • nurture new ideas and bring them to birth;

  • be empowered to forge works of truth and creative force;

  • and live by the light of the Divine Flame of creativity and inspiration.

To register or for more information, email: